Warpick, Random determination of:


# found: 1


Warpick   (click the link to view weapon stats in the Weapons Book)


Use the following charts to see what materials this weapon is crafted with:

Steel Alloys

Wood types

Leather Qualities



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Steel Alloys


%Roll: Steel Alloys for NON-MAGICAL and MAGICAL weapons:
01-50:   Gage-steel          Bonus damage: None.
51-80:   Shank-steel        Bonus damage: +1
81-95:   Krakkin-steel    Bonus damage: +2
96-00:   Roll again: %Roll: Steel Alloys Cont.:
                                 01-70:   Admontanium-steel    Bonus damage: +3
                                 71-83:   Earthen-steel               Bonus damage: +4
                                 84-90:   Krannik-steel              Bonus damage: +5
                                 91-95:   Starr-steel                   Bonus damage: +6
                                 96-98:   Mystical-steel             Bonus damage: +7
                                 99-00:   Koar-steel
                   Bonus damage: +8




%Roll: Steel Alloys for ENCHANTED weapons:
01-25:   Gage-steel          Bonus damage: None.
26-50:   Shank-steel        Bonus damage: +1
51-75:   Krakkin-steel    Bonus damage: +2
76-00:   Roll again: %Roll: Steel Alloys Cont.:
                                 01-17:   Admontanium-steel    Bonus damage: +3
                                 18-34:   Earthen-steel               Bonus damage: +4
                                 35-51:   Krannik-steel              Bonus damage: +5
                                 52-68:   Starr-steel                   Bonus damage: +6
                                 69-84:   Mystical-steel             Bonus damage: +7
                                 85-00:   Koar-steel
                   Bonus damage: +8


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Wood Types


%Roll: Wood types for NON-MAGICAL and MAGICAL weapons:
01-30:   Pine-wood         Bonus damage: None.
31-70:   Oak-wood         Bonus damage: +1
71-95:   Iron-wood         Bonus damage: +2
96-00:   Roll again: %Roll: Wood types:
                                 01-70:   Ivory               Bonus damage: +3
                                 71-95:   Moon              Bonus damage: +4
                                 96-00:   Dremmin
        Bonus damage: +5




%Roll: Wood types for ENCHANTED weapons:
01-25:   Pine-wood         Bonus damage: None.
26-50:   Oak-wood         Bonus damage: +1
51-75:   Iron-wood         Bonus damage: +2
76-00:   Roll again: %Roll: Wood types:
                                 01-33:   Ivory               Bonus damage: +3
                                 34-66:   Moon              Bonus damage: +4
                                 67-00:   Dremmin
        Bonus damage: +5


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Leather Qualities


%Roll: Leather Qualities for NON-MAGICAL and MAGICAL weapons:
01-30:   Light              Bonus damage: None.
31-70:   Heavy            Bonus damage: +1
71-95:   Scale-hide      Bonus damage: +2
96-00:   Roll again: %Roll: Leather Qualities Cont.:
                                 01-70:  Troll-Hide        Bonus damage: +3
                                 71-95:  Dragon-Hide    Bonus damage: +4
                                 96-00:  Borgus-Hide
    Bonus damage: +5




%Roll: Leather Qualities for ENCHANTED weapons:
01-25:   Light              Bonus damage: None.
26-50:   Heavy            Bonus damage: +1
51-75:   Scale-hide      Bonus damage: +2
76-00:   Roll again: %Roll: Leather Qualities Cont.:
                                 01-33:  Troll-Hide        Bonus damage: +3
                                 34-66:  Dragon-Hide    Bonus damage: +4
                                 67-00:  Borgus-Hide
    Bonus damage: +5

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